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NIST Geographic Photography Competition


2021-2022 Photography Competition Theme: Thailand - Characters and Characteristics


Please review the information below before submitting your photos.

© Pera Kasemsripitak

Photography Competition

202X-202X NIST Geographic Photography Competition Theme:


500 THB worth of NIST service groups products or a 300 THB Starbucks gift card, and a high-quality photo print
A panel of professional and NIST judges will review your photos and vote for the winners
All photos will be posted on our website after the competition with full credit, highlighting your skills.


  • Highlights the culture and livelihood of people around Bangkok and Thailand; includes portraits of people, street life, candid photos, and other street-related photos




  • Highlights the beauty and culture of locations around Bangkok and Thailand; including cityscapes, nightscapes, architecture, and other landscape-related photos.




  • Highlights the natural beauty of Thailand; includes wildlife photos (wild - no zoo photos), naturally occurring exotic plant photos, natural landscape photos, and any other photos highlighting natural phenomena. 


  • One winner will be selected from each category listed above and will receive a high-quality print of their photo, a certificate, a free calendar, a paperback NIST Geographic magazine, and a choice of a basket of NIST service products (500 THB value) or a Starbucks gift card (300 THB value)

  • A runner-up from each category will receive a high-quality print of their photo, a certificate, a free calendar, and a paperback NIST Geographic magazine



  • One winner will be selected by the judges and will receive a high-quality print of their photo, a certificate, a free calendar, and a paperback NIST Geographic magazine



  • One winner will be voted by the community and will receive a high-quality print of their photo, a certificate, a free calendar, and a paperback NIST Geographic magazine


All winners' photos will be featured in the next NIST Geographic Photo Calendar

  • All photos must be taken by the entrant

  • Photos must have a fitting title and caption (1-2 sentences)

  • Each entrant can submit up to 10 photos

  • Photos must be school-appropriate. If in doubt, ask us at

  • Portraits of people do not require consent if taken in a public place

  • Photos of nature and wildlife must be taken ethically without altering or tampering with the livelihood and surroundings of the natural elements

  • Drone photos must be taken in a legal area, or with paperwork attached to verify their legality

  • Photos that are found to violate these rules will be disqualified

  • Excuses of not reading the rules or not understanding these rules after submission will be disregarded

  • Photos can be submitted in any aspect ratio

  • The submission must be in jpeg format​​

    • If your photo is selected by the judges, we will contact you for a raw file​

  • The submitted photo must have no watermarks, graphics, or digital overlays of any kind

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